Monday, November 15, 2010

A new Ism: Unism

Hello, fellow living, as well as living impaired creatures out there this lovely time of year. It has been a while since I last lurched my way onto this site, but it's hard to surf when you got rigor mortis and whatnot.

-Also, my right index finger fell off yesterday when I ate some brains...

I have been processing thought a lot lately (both with electrical impulses and digestion!) and after savouirng a lot of thoughts and opinions and viewpoints and all that arbitrary mumbo-jumbo that doesent really do anything beside making gray matter a bit more juicy, I have concluded that I don't feel like I am part of any ism.

But I have recently seen that everyone feels they have to be part of something.. Some form of "ism". Every "ism" is at war or in disagreement with some, or every other "ism", which quite frankly is silly seeing how all "ism" in the end are quite arbitrary.

So I have concluded that I do not belong to any of them. I used to be religious, then I was agnostic, then atheist, then gnostic, then believed in newage, and now lastly skepticism with a fine mix of other arbitrary isms.

Since "ism" basically means (in this particular context) "a view of the world/religion/life/culture/etc", for example "optimism", from the word "Optimum" which means "most favorable or desirable; best: optimum conditions". definition

I have then concluded that I will use the word "Un", which basically means the reverse of the verb, or in this case the "ism" (view of the world). definition

The end result is basically "Unism" which means, at least in this context "un-view of theworld/religion/life/culture/etc"

I use this particular example because I personally don't think there is anything anywhere that is so intricate or deep that we should have to even care about if its real or not, or how we should percieve it or think about it. Science is good, logic is good, fun is good, but going around making "isms" that should tell other people what they believe, so everybody can tell everyone else what they believe in and then go fight everybody who's not on the same side is just, wel... arbitrary, a waste of time, and without a point, if you just get down to it and look at it for what it is.

We all think about different stuff, but we all think alike. We all think we're right, because our view of the world is so narrow and shut-in. We think we're a "superior" species on this planet just because we can talk and use some very basic chemical skills for energy and propulsion and killing and all that.

We're not different from other species in the sense that we don't give a rats ass if someone of our kind dies in a ditch 5 minutes from where you do your local shopping. We all know about all the stuff that goes on in the world, and if we truly were a superior species, and we truly knew this, we'd stop all this silly nonsense about personal beliefs and theories and speculation (and lets not forget the size of one's whatchamacallit) so we could buckle down, stop drinking every month and instead spend a bit of time, effort, resources and money to make every other habitated spot on this planet into a habitable place, thusly rising living standards everywhere.

And if the resources dont stretch, if the manpower isnt enough, if *insert any logical reason*, then surely we have the time and power of thought to think up some clever solution? if we can think up stuff that kills half a nation in a week, then surely we can think up a way to save the entire earth in a couple of decades?

So yeah. Unism it is.

although if you think about it, any "ism" is kinda the same as the poets view on the sun.